Friday, May 31, 2019
Medienrecht in Deutschland :: essays research papers fc
1.EinleitungDie folgende Hausarbeit befasst sich mit dem Urheberrechtsgesetz bzw. mit hideaway darin enthaltenen Leistungsschutzrechten, in der Literatur auch Nachbarrechte oder verwandte Schutzrechte genannt. Die Rechte der Urheber und damit auch die Rechte der Leistungsschutzberechtigten wurden in den letzten Jahren, aktuell durch die Urheberrechtsnovelle von 2003 sukzessive ausgeweitet. Damit wurde der Durchsetzung moderner Kommunikationsmittel in allen Lebensbereichen und dem gewachsenen Gewicht der Kulturwirtschaft Rechnung getragen. Mit den Leistungsschutzrechten wird nicht der Werkschpfer geschtzt, sondern solch eine Leistung, die in einem mehr oder weniger engen Zusammenhang mit der Werkschpfung steht. Im ersten Teil meiner Arbeit werde ich die Rechte und die Leistungsschutzberechtigten charakterisieren, um dann jeweils auf die einzelnen geschtzten Gruppen und ihre Rechte einzugehen. Im weiteren Verlauf werde ich auf die Ansprche der Berechtigten eingehen, um abschlieend den Blick auf die Zukunft des Urheberrechts und den damit verbundenen Leistungsschutzrechten zu richten.2. Entstehung des Urheberrechts und der LeistungsschutzrechteDas Urheberrechtsgesetz hat sich aus dem Gesetz betreffend mouse hare Urheberrecht an Werken der Literatur und der Tonkunst (LUG) von 1901 und dem Gesetz betreffend das Urheberrecht an Werken der bildenden Kunst und Photographie (KUG) von 1907 entwickelt. Die erste Fassung des Urheberrechtsgesetzes (UrhG), wie wir es heute kennen, trat am 9.9.1966 in Kraft. In den folgenden Jahren war die Entwicklung des Urheberrechtssystems eine sehr dynamische, was sich in mehr als 20 konsolidierten Fassungen bis zum heutigen check niedergeschlagen hat. Die letzte groe nderung des UrhG war die Urheberrechtnovelle von 2003. Die Leistungsschutzrechte haben sich im Laufe der Entwicklung des Urheberrechts herausgebildet, und dies besonders seit der Konferenz von Rom zur Revision der Berner bereinkunft, die 1928 stattfand. Es wurden immer me hr auch Leistungen als schutzbedrftig angesehen, die zwar keine Werkschpfung im Sinne des Urheberrechts darstellten, aber dennoch einer schpferischen Ttigkeit entsprangen. Besonderen Auftrieb fr die Gesetzgebungsarbeit an Leistungsschutzrechten gab das Internationale Abkommen ber den Schutz der ausbenden Knstler, der Hersteller von Tontrgern und der Sendeunternehmen, das sogenannte Rom-Abkommen vom 26.10.1961. Hierbei muss beachtet werden, dass es kein Leistungsschutzrecht im Sinne eines umfassenden oder einheitlichen Rechts gibt, vielmehr handelt es sich um die Summe einzelner, getrennt abtretbarer Befugnisse. 3. Charakterisierung der Rechte und der Leistungsschutzberechtigten Die Auswahl der Leistungsschutzberechtigten scheint mehr oder weniger willkrlich. Nur die 71, 73, 81 UrhG sehen vor, dass ein urheberrechtlich schutzfhiges Werk verwertet wird. Die brigen Leistungsschutzrechte haben zwar hufig, jedoch nicht unbedingt die Verwertung einer Werkschpfung zum Gegenstand. Auch die durch die 70 ff. geschtzten Leistungen unterschieden sich Werden durch die 73 ff.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Reality or Illusion Essay -- essays research papers
In Andrew and Larry Wachowskis 1999 film, The Matrix, and Platos Republic, On Shadows and Realities,? originality and illusion be ace in the same. The Wachowski brothers allows the viewer to see how reality and illusion can be mistaken for the other, using a number of contrasting ideas found in Platos similitude of the Cave, showing that at times the dream area can be safer than real life. The matrix is a simulation that creates an imaginary world where people are prisoners from reality, much like Platos mythological The Cave. The cave holds prisoners inside a dark cave, chained in way prohibiting them from turning their heads, only able to see what is in front of them. All they see is a wall that displays images of what appears to be of people or animals passing behind them. These reflections or images are all the prisoners know of the world outside the cave. They see only what the marionette players want them to see projections of objects that are not real but seem real becaus e they have never seen the real world. People in the matrix only see what the machines show, making it difficult to wake up from a continuous dream show, trapped in an illusionary world unable to break free. However, some do break free. Through much effort, Platos freed man escapes, only to face a life of confusion and fear. With the matrix, most die trying to escape from it, but once free are just as confused as Platos freed man. His first reaction is to requite to the cave, which is familiar and s...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Privacy In Turkey :: Research Private Essays
Privacy In TurkeyIntroductionWhat is retirement? Who decides what is private and what is not? Is it acceptable if someone interferes or discloses personal information? These are some of the questions that we face everyday in our lives. It is mostly up to the individual to keep some information private still what happens when the flow of information occurs based on the trust to the underlying infrastructure, such as phone lines? Should we, as individuals, expect that every phone conversation is macrocosm monitored or as confidential?It is known that knowledge of information is vital, especially in the 21st century where the timeliness, accuracy, and confidentiality of information mean everything. In 1988, United Nations Commissioner on Human Rights Article 17 states that integrity and confidentiality of messages should be guaranteed despite this fact, many countries, primarily the US, have involved in an effort to limit individual privacy and improve the ability of governmental age ncies to listen in personal conversations.1 As an example of such activities, this paper will provide information regarding an actual side that took place in capital city of Turkey, Ankara in 1999. The case will be followed by some facts that will be relevant and then an analysis from different ethical perspectives on this issue will take place. This paper will conclude by depicting my personal ideas and reasoning on the ethical aspects of this particular privacy case.Privacy CaseIn 1999, Ankara police was sued because of listening in personal telephone conversations of Prime Minister.2 It was later ascertained that, Prime Minister was not the only person whose phone lines were tapped, an additional 962 peoples private conversations were interfered with also.3 Among the victims there were governors, businessmen, attorneys at law, and journalists. This was a much tell incident due to its scope and effect on the privacy and notion of privacy for individuals. As a result, Interior M inistry of Turkey was sued for invading privacy of individuals besides Interior Ministry declined these allegations and stated that nothing really bad happened at the end.2 None of the information that was gathered during the eavesdropping sessions was disclosed. In addition to suing of Interior Ministry, some of the officers from Ankara constabulary Department were sued and some of them were convicted.3FactsIn Turkey, there are laws that are similar to the US Fourth Amendment. Individuals have expectation of privacy. Article 20 of Turkish render states that the privacy of individual and family life is protected under the law.
Physics of Snowboarding :: physics snowboard sport sports
In snowboard as in any some other sport the athlete has to be thinking at every(prenominal) times, analyzing the situation that surrounds you, make split decisions, and even perform quick calculations in your head.Where this happens most in snowboarding is when the snowboarder is going to performs some type of aerial trick clear up of a burst forth. There are a lot of things that a snowboarder has to be aware of and be thinking about before he hits the jump. How far do I need to go to make the landing? How fast do I need to be going when I hit the jump? If I am going to spin, how fast should I so that I can make it around in time? The list goes on and on.Some other factors that can come into play are snow conditions, the type of snowboard, and experience of the rider. Which are much more advanced topics, and way beyond the scope of what were disturbing about here. What I am mainly going to be looking at are the basic characteristics of your average snowboard jump.So how much spe ed should I have to hit the jump with? Well to answer this question you first have to hit the hay how far you have to go to clear the landing of the jump so that you dont land in the flats and break you knees or go to far and break your back. If the jump that you need to clear is 20 feet desire you will have to be going at a certain speed. So, what is that speed? Well you can figure this out by knowing what tend you built the jump at, the height of the jump and the distance to the landing. It is fairly easy to find the velocity by using the equation for a trajectory.Now that you know how to find every last(predicate) of the correct parts of your jump to clear it successfully you can now add some difficulty and variety to the trick by spinning while in the air. Since you know the distance and your velocity from before you can find out what your air time was. Once you have all of that info you can use it to solve for what your angular velocity should be depending of how much you w ant to spin. That way you can make sure that youll complete the spins in time to spot your landing and get ready for impact.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
William Blake :: essays research papers
To some people William Blake is just an ordinary man. To others, Blake is an English poet, painter, and engraver. Blake was born on November 28, 1757, in London, where he played out most of his life. He was the third of five children in his family. Blakes family was Nonconformists Protestant dis displaceers from the Church of England. They had Blake christened on December 11 at St. Jamess Church in Piccadilly. Blakes mother enlightened him in mere reading and writing, and he worked in a shop until the get on of 14. His family ran this shop, and later his brother and he acquired the store through inheritance. Despite those misgivings, he taught himself Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, and Italian. His English was to be often strikingly original through other peoples eyes. In 1767, he wanted to fetch an artist at the young age of 10. In pursuit of this dream, he attended the Henry Pars Engraving School in the Strand. By 1772, he was an apprentice to an engraver, James Basire, who taugh t him the secrets of the trade very well. Basire sent him to make drawings of the sculptures in Westminster Abbey, which sparked his interest in Gothic art. Blakes father was a hosier, and sent him to the Royal Academy in 1779 as an engraving student. While at school, Blake absorbed the religious symbolism and linear design characteristic of Gothic style. While studying there, he rebelled against the academic conventions of Sir Joshua Reynolds, president of the academy. Contrary to modern standards, he decided to follow the footsteps of the world-renowned artist Michelangelo and Raphael instead.Throughout his life, Blake made his money engraving things, but lived in mass poverty. On August 18, 1782, Blake married a wretched illiterate girl, Catherine Boucher. Some believe she turned out to be the best companion Blake could have chosen. Blake and Catherine never had children. In 1784, Blakes father passed away later on he started his own printing press. He took his brother Robert i n to live with him as an assistant pupil to relieve him from the agonies of poverty. In Blakes eyes, Robert was his son. The establishing of the printing shop helped Blake and Catherine become financially secure for rest of their lives. From that point on, he lived as an engraver and illustrator with the help of his wife and brother Robert. Once again tragedy struck, and in 1787, only currently after beginning work, his brother Robert fell ill and passed away.
William Blake :: essays research papers
To some people William Blake is just an ordinary man. To others, Blake is an English poet, painter, and engraver. Blake was born on November 28, 1757, in London, where he spent most of his life. He was the third of five children in his family. Blakes family was Nonconformists Protestant dissenters from the perform of England. They had Blake christened on December 11 at St. jams Church in Piccadilly. Blakes mother educated him in mere reading and writing, and he worked in a shop until the age of 14. His family ran this shop, and later his brother and he acquired the put in through inheritance. Despite those misgivings, he taught himself Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, and Italian. His English was to be often strikingly original through other peoples eyes. In 1767, he wanted to become an artisan at the young age of 10. In pursuit of this dream, he attended the Henry Pars Engraving School in the Strand. By 1772, he was an apprentice to an engraver, James Basire, who taught him the se crets of the trade very well. Basire sent him to make drawings of the sculptures in Westminster Abbey, which sparked his interest in Gothic art. Blakes father was a hosier, and sent him to the Royal Academy in 1779 as an engraving student. While at school, Blake absorbed the religious symbolism and linear design characteristic of Gothic style. While studying there, he rebelled against the academic conventions of Sir Joshua Reynolds, prexy of the academy. Contrary to modern standards, he decided to follow the footsteps of the world-renowned artist Michelangelo and Raphael instead.Throughout his life, Blake made his money engraving things, but lived in mass poverty. On elevated 18, 1782, Blake married a poor illiterate girl, Catherine Boucher. Some believe she turned out to be the best companion Blake could have chosen. Blake and Catherine never had children. In 1784, Blakes father passed away after he started his own printing press. He took his brother Robert in to live with him as an assistant pupil to relieve him from the agonies of poverty. In Blakes eyes, Robert was his son. The establishing of the printing shop helped Blake and Catherine become financially secure for rest of their lives. From that point on, he lived as an engraver and illustrator with the help of his wife and brother Robert. Once again tragedy struck, and in 1787, only shortly after beginning work, his brother Robert fell ill and passed away.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Sale University and University of Santos Thomas. Linkman eventually returned to the motherland to study Philippine Literature and colonial hi fib at UP Dilemma Some of his novels are Rolling the Ors. Kayak Press (1995) Prime Time Apparitions. Hanging Loose Press (2005) The Evolution of a Sigh. Hanging Loose Press (2008) Lech. Coffee foretoken Press (2011). II. A Summary of the Novel The story is approximately a Filipino-American named Vince who left the Philippines to live in Hawaii at the age often historic period old with his siblings Jinn, aged eleven and Alvin who had Just turned nine.The story st blinded when Vines friend Edgar told him to Join Mr.. Pogo in Hawaii so that he could win a faux pas hold domicil in motherland Philippines. After winning second place in the said pageant he was competent to go spine home. In Manila, He meets Bins Boca, Sister Marie and Kuris Aquinas, the daughter of the late President, Carbon Aquinas, who is also known as the Massacre Queen. H aving gifted with good looks he advantageously gain entrance in the Manila High Society and having the chance to be interviewed Kuris herself but there he realized he doesnt belong there, he doesnt along in the Philippines.Being home sick and all he tried reaching out to his sibling by sending post cards hazard to Hawaii and there he reconcile with his departed his childhood back in San Vaccine with his tarry, the one person whom he really had emotional union to. In the end, he eventually goes back to San Vaccine to his hometown after his maid Burnett quite some time been telling him to go back. He eventually came home when he gave in to barbiturates advice. He was mad at Loll AY for sending him to Honolulu, Hawaii but to his surprise he found out that all those ears he spent in Hawaii Loll AY was sick.All those years he thought Loll AY was healthy and fond. All his questions were answered upon returning home and he asked forgiveness to Loll AY. Ill. Analysis Literature is an art form in a way that it invokes within each of us a different perceptions that is unique to an separate. Every individual has his own point of view, a window in which we view the world. Therefore, the way we learn literature is the comparable as viewing the same star, however, from different separate of the world. Same star, but a different angle.Art for me is a mouth of a hundred people speaking loudly and differently in sync, because we see art as it is physically but the way we think of it is never the same. We give them all different meaning in our different points of view. I could say that this story is easy to read so I could gladly recommend this to peers. The story is peace and the actions are constantly interesting. level I didnt take more than tailfin or six sittings to read it entirety. The bulk is narrative and is a prose which made it easier to understand than poetry which has deep words and having implied meanings which made it harder to find its real meaning .As we could see on the cover of the support, is a Jeep. Its not real, it is a wooden engraved Jeep which is usually found in a Philippine gift shops since a Jeep has a big role played in every Filipinos lives. They use this as a mode of transportation but they still know to deal with the traffic. Just this semester I afford experienced a sensation of extreme laughter with facts stated in the story, problems of the 3rd world countries. He was able to put witty Jokes within serious situations within our country today.Example he rotating brown outs and him (Vince) having to resort to alternative ways to get more water for rinse off of the melted ice and the left over mineral water in the pitcher he found in the refrigerator. Though people in the Philippines have to pump waters in a big bin to prepare themselves for the brownout and water rotation. Or having to ride the Jeep for commuters. We all know that many a(prenominal) Filipinos are now migrating to 1st world countries seeki ng a better future, but There would always be this feeling of home sickness. Missing those function grew up with, being far away from your comfort zone.Its not a great feeling. I remember in the story where its stated that youre not a Filipino if you havent ridden a Jeep before. This part of the story is another trivia given in the novel. Another fact is that no Jeep is the same as the other. They may be a comparable in terms of brand, having the same entrance but its decoration differs. This shows the creativity of the pinots. A Jeep was left by the Americans after the world war II and the Filipinos bought them from the Americans, looking dull, the Filipinos thought of decoration it.Up until now this is still practiced Hough in my opinion the Jeep is the least impressive mode of transportation, stopping in every possible passengers, having a far rotation and is main(prenominal)ly the cause of traffic because of stopping Just anywhere anytime. Even the thought of Papas City Mall, Harrison plaza, Quip church where Vince and Kuris the massacre queen met gives a lot of memories back. In the things I have shared in my last divide I have shown a little about the parole. The book describes the contemporary Philippine life which brings up memories and associations of the life lived by our parents not so Eng ago.This book for me is highly relatable because the way I see it majority of professionals, even non-professionals, leave the country seeking a better life. Upon reading this book it could bring back a lot of long forgotten memories of the foreigners once called Filipinos. It is an unfortunate event in the country that almost at least one member in the family leaves for abroad leaving them home sick and depressed. Those who seek being found in a world which you feel you do not belong to this book is the best to, those so called Offs are best audience for this novel.The book Lech is a good book since the author actually wrote it through firsthand experience. Since he left the Philippines he felt homesick and wrote a book about what he could remember about motherland. It shows that you should appreciate what you have now until its all gone. When he was able to step on motherland steps he wasnt getting any of what he is expecting yet he still is feeling happy having to reconnect to his ult and remembering the moments he had with his 1010, even those he has with his siblings back when they were still a child.The main point of this story s that even if youve been far from home for a long long period of time there would always be a little of yourself left in that place that youd long to meet once again and someday youd dream of seeing that place you once knew and loved. Just like everyone says theres no place like home and even though hes attained a lot in his recent location going home is still worth more than anything in the world, knowing that in San Vaccine is once his and his grandfathers welkin he would always wonder back to the fee lings he had way back with his LOLL.Everyone knew he had this facial connection with his grandfather a love so strong that they bond by reading books. Even in silence they feel their special connections that they have because his grandfather is all his got after being left by his parents when they went to Hawaii. Another fun fact about it is the tourist tips. It really is a good books for balalaikas who is like Vince who is unable to come back home in a very long time. These tips actually are really useful if youre a foreigner or a balalaikas to give you a heads up if youre clueless of what you major power deal with upon returning to the Philippines.Its really interesting how he really expressed those fun facts about the Philippines as well as the people in the place. umpteen parts of the book shows Vince having flashbacks. Since he was unable to come home in thirteen years he had a lot of recollecting to do. Simply manila gave him a lot of reminiscing but of course it was always in his home town where all his memories are stored. The book is still applicable in modern times. Those past experiences shared in the book is still relevant in the lives of many people traversing our 7, 107 islands today.Socialites, lovelier, separation from implies, poverty, government, immigration of professionals still at large. Reading a book where you can relate to is one thing about a book. Reading something and in the middle youll be saying ay lam OK yang antipodean OK yang ay tama nag Gangway nag Yuan is a great feeling because you get to know the inner you. You as a citizen of this fair country. One of the main problem is sexuality, the acceptance of the 3rd gender. Another thing is he showed how gays are, for me they are still of the same gender, male/female, who are misunderstood.Is it because they act as the opposite of what the crowd together think a gender should act they should see it as a wrong doing? This book makes us realize to be more open-minded about serio us things happening around us. An epic end to this epic essay, Lech in Spanish is milk yet in this story it symbolizes many things like the bar where Vince wanted Dante to take him after being drunk or as an expression used when shocked or mad. Though this book gist different things, in my opinion like the expression we usually use LECH being a part of our culture, like Vince whatever happens the Philippines will always be a big in his life.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Prosecuting Cyber Bullying
Technology is frequently being used to display personal Information on companionable networking sites for everyone In the world to see. With this Instantaneous technology, the school boss around has access to an easier, more harmful, and anonymous way to intimidate their victim. Cyber bullying has become a form of agony that is creating a myriad of problems for teenagers and, and so, needs to be dealt with properly.The sense of anonymity and the ability to disguise ones identity online increases Weber bullying activity by making delight of, telling lies, public exposure rumors, threats and sharing private Information or pictures online (Lulls lines 31-32). In spite of the recent technological advancements, problems with bullying has existed for generations. At the click of a button, the arduous information that can be posted online can be seen throughout the world for anyone to see.Because more people fork over access to someones private or embarrass information, an increas ed audience can often lead story to more harmful bullying Incidents (Macaque 27). Cyber lulling can be committed any where and at any time, therefore the cyber bullies may not fully understand the Impact of their behavior on their victims (Lulls line 9). Cyber bullying can negatively affect an individual and even lead to depression and thoughts of suicide. There are many well known stories of teenagers compelled to desperate, even suicidal acts after having been exposed to recurrent harassment by others online.For Instance, the devastating and well-known(a) case off 13-year-old girl named Megan Meier, committed seclude allegedly due to cyber bullying (Macaque 141 After coming friends with a boy she met online, Megan, who had a lifelong struggle with weight and self-esteem, finally met a boy she thought she could trust. After weeks of friendly conversations online Megan was eager to strengthen their relationship by finally meeting each other in person. Flirtatious messages from h er online boyfriend Josh suddenly turned into disturbing and confusing remarks such as the world would be a better egress without you (Macaque 16). Josh even began to post spiteful comments on his site about(predicate) Megan. Megan committed seclude to escape the main and humiliation she was put through ( tender Networking Web Sites 3). Investigators soon discovered that the profile of Josh Evans was created by a 48- year-old woman named Lori Drew. Loriss intentions were to tease and embarrass Megan, her next door neighbor and a spring friend of Loriss 13-year-old daughter (Macaque 28). This case brought national attention to the dire consequences of cyber bullying. The community was outraged and demanded charges to be brought against this mother.Lori went to court but was never convicted because there was no rectitude against cyber bullying. Another instance of the horrific effects of cyber bullying is portrayed in the tragic story of 18-year-old Tyler Clementine. Tyler started his freshman year with a big future leading of him and a great outlook on life. Invading Tellers privacy, his college roommate streamed private footage online from a WebMD that he held In their dorm (Key Events in the History of Prosecuting Cybernetics 8). Comments about his sexuality flooded through his inbox that night.Days after the video went viral, Tyler could not handle the embarrassment and committed suicide by Jumping off of the George Washington span (Prosecuting Cybernetics par. 1). These are two highly publicized and tragic cases resulting from holler online. There are thousands of other people that are being threatened and bullied through technology every day and no one knows about it. There is nothing positive that results from bullying, but some people still believe that cyber bullies should not be prosecuted because it is not a crime.Critics say that cyber bullying is not an issue that should have legal attention, but a dilemma best solved by schools and parents ( Prosecuting Cybernetics par. 2). galore(postnominal) school districts throughout the country are attempting to educate their students about online safety and protection. In order to solve the problem of cyber bullying, the critics believe that schools should concentrate on spreading messages of tolerance and civility to all young people (Prosecuting Cybernetics par. 2). Another point that critics stress is that prosecuting cyber bullies violates the First Amendments guarantee of free speech (Hayward 21).Opponents to the prosecution of cyber bullies need to bear off into account the innocent people that are being terrorized online ND their rights to protect themselves. Supporters of the prosecution of these online abusers agree that cyber bullying leads to many emotional problems for the victims. Cyber bullies purposely target their victims, show personal information on the Internet or harassing them through frequent or threatening messages (Prosecuting Cybernetics par. 16). More often than not, school administrators and parents fail to identify and chuck up the sponge cyber bullying before it is too late.Prosecutors need to take action in order to protect students online. Students are apprehensive to tell an adult about abuse online because they fear the bullying will only get worse. Victims feel that they are on their own in the endless abuse and allegedly saw no choice for escape except to kill themselves (Lulls 22). Historically, a person repeatedly bullied is not only a danger to themselves, but may even have the urge to harm others. For example, in the article Prosecuting Cybernetics, research has dissuademined that perpetrators of school violence?such as the two students who went on a shooting violent disorder at ColumbineHigh School in Colorado in 1999?often have a history of both bullying and being bullied themselves (par. 31). Even though the cyber bully is not physically shoving the victim around, they are still able to instill a sense of fear a nd hopelessness in their victims. In order to visit cyber bullies for their conduct, new, up-to-date laws need to be passed for the protection of the innocent victim. With technology being the most popular form of communication, it is important to establish a law to deter future bullying with a legal means to punish those who cause harm.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Porterââ¬â¢s 5 Forces Analysis Essay
Threat of New Entrants. The average person cant come along and start up a banking company, but in that location be function, such as internet bill payment, on which entrepreneurs can capitalize. Banks are fearful of being squeezed out of the payments business, because it is a good source of fee-based revenue. Another abridge that poses a threat is companies offering other financial services. What would it opt for an insurance keep company to start offering mortgage and loan services?Not much. Also, when analyzing a regional bank, remember that the possibility of a mega bank entering into the market poses a real threat. Power of Suppliers. The suppliers of capital might not pose a big threat, but the threat of suppliers luring away human capital does. If a talented individual is working in a smaller regional bank, there is the chance that person will be enticed away by bigger banks, investment firms, etc. Power of Buyers.The individual doesnt pose much of a threat to the bankin g industry, but one major factor affecting the power of buyers is relatively high switching costs. If a person has a mortgage, car loan, recognition card, checking account and mutual funds with one particular bank, it can be extremely tough for that person to switch to another bank. In an attempt to seduce in customers, banks try to lower the price of switching, but many people would still rather stick with their current bank. On the other hand, large corporate clients have banks wrapped around their little fingers.Financial institutions by offering better exchange rates, more services, and exposure to foreign capital markets work extremely hard to get high-margin corporate clients. Availability of Substitutes. As you can probably imagine, there are plenty of substitutes in the banking industry. Banks offer a suite of services over and above taking deposits and lending money, but whether it is insurance, mutual funds or fixed income securities, chances are there is a non-banki ng financial services company that can offer similar services.On the lending side of the business, banks are seeing competition rise from unconventional companies. Sony (NYSE SNE), General Motors (NYSEGM) and Microsoft (NasdaqMSFT) all offer favorite(a) financing to customers who buy big ticket items. If car companies are offering 0% financing, why would anyone want to get a car loan from the bank and pay 5-10% interest? Competitive Rivalry. The banking industry is highly competitive. The financial services industry has been around for hundreds of years, and just about everyone who needs banking services already has them.Because of this, banks must attempt to lure clients away from competitor banks. They do this by offering lower financing, preferred rates and investment services. The banking sector is in a track to see who can offer both the best and fastest services, but this also causes banks to experience a lower ROA. They then have an incentive to take on high-risk projects. In the long run, were likely to see more consolidation in the banking industry. Larger banks would prefer to take over or merge with another bank rather than spend the money to market and advertise to people.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Analysis of Should College Athletes Get Paid Essay
The author of the essay Should College Athletes Get Paid? wrote a good determine touching on a very controversial subject that has been in question for years yet no closer to getting solved. His style is effective with the use of analogies and desire Pope John Paul II recanting his stance on women in the priesthood or Kathie Lees child seamstresses keeps the readers amused. The use of these analogies also puts into perspective how valuable the subject of the author is.Another argumentative point the author uses is direct quotation from the family of the athletes involved like Payton Mannings father, Archie. He uses Archie as an eyewitness to the facts with his experiences and what he has seen outside of locker rooms after the games. Wulf also utilizes data and figures from good sources like the NCAA committee and the Notre Dame-NBC deal for the broadcast of five footb both seasons. What surprises me is that the author for all of his use of facts and direct quotations, he has no i nformation from the players involved themselves.For an argumentative essay to be effective, both sides have to be properly represented. Even though there were facts from broadcasting networks and credible sources the side I was looking for was from the coaches themselves who gain from the big business that college athletes make. The work does make you want to side with the exploited youths who work hard to attain their degree while enduring pressures from academic stress.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Front Cover
Assignment Front Cover disciples be required to use the enclosed Assignment Front Cover when submitting assignment. This is a MANDATORY requirement and the College give not accept any assignment received with break through the attached Assignment Front Cover. Kindly ensure that the Assignment Front Cover is not blockade by anything. Any fanciful spoil that you would like to enclose should be placed after the Assignment Front Cover. Copies of the Assignment Front Cover are available at the information counter at the respective College in which you are studying.Kindly ensure that all details requested for on the front cover are completed and that the recipient of your assignment counter signs, acknowledging receipt. Remember to keep a copy of the assignment cover sheet as proof of submission. SEGi College Kuala Lumpur Media right & Ethics Executive Summary This assignment consists of three essays of different questions under the subject Media Law & Ethics. Student Particulars pattern ZULHILMI BIN RUSLI IC Number 930326-04-5323 Student Number SC-KL-00037759 Course DIMC Subject Title MEDIA LAW & ETHICS Subject Code MC1002 Mode of Study ( Full-Time ( Part-Time ( Independent Learning ( E-Learning Name of Lecturer Mr.RAYMOND PANDITA Due Date 9th AUGUST 2012 College SEGi COLLEGE KUALA LUMPUR Declaration by student I, _ZULHILMI , hereby declare that the attached assignment is my own work and understand that if I am suspected of plagiarism or another form of cheating, my work will be referred to the Programme Director who may, as a result advocate to the Examinations Board that my enrolment in the programme be discontinued. Acknowledgement of receipt ____________ _____________ Date Received Signature of Receiving Officer Assignment Allocation of Marks no(prenominal) Description of criteria adopted that will be used for the assessment of the Weightings Marks Allotted by Lecturer assignment 1. Relevance of content to assignment-Executive Summary 10% 2. Clear explanation of issues, which are relevant for the assignment 20% Relevance of information and material Depth and quality of analysis Identification and framing of issues and assumptions made. 3. lotion of the relevant principles to the issue 40% Understanding of principles, theories and techniques Appropriateness and depth of research Analytical skills Application skills. 4. Quality of recommendations relating to problem 20% Originality of idea and approach Recommendations. 5. showing 10% Appropriate citation and references Style and readability Overall presentation. Total 100% Feedback on Assignment ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________ ______________________DateLecturers Name Question 1. Introduction The indite constitution in Malaysia is called the Federal Constitution. It is the supreme equity of the Federation and any law passed after Merdeka day which is inconsistent with this constitution shall, to the extent of the inconsistency be void. The constitution lays down the powers of the Federal and State governments. It also enshrines the basic or the fundamental rights of the individual. These rights written into the constitution can only be changed by a two-thirds majority of the total number of members of the legislature. The law in Malaysia can be classified as written law and unwritten law.Written law refers to the law that is contained in a formal document which has been passed by a person or a body authorised to do so. It consists of Federal and State Constitutions, the legislation passed by the Parliament and State Assemblies as well as subsidiary legislation. Unwritten law refers to the law that has no t been formally enacted. It consists of case law, applicable principles of English law and customary law. The word government can be interpreted as government and Government. government refers to the nation itself while Government is the executive branch of government under the Doctrine of Separation of Powers. There are three branches of government under the Doctrine of Separation of Powers.They are the legislative branch which is the Parliament, the workbench branch which is the courts and the executive branch which is the ministers. The Parliament legislate laws while the courts apply the laws and the ministers formulate policies. Legislation Legislation refers to the law that has been enacted by a body and it is carried out by the Parliament at the Federal and at State Assemblies for their respective states. Laws passed by the Parliament are called Acts while laws passed by the State Assemblies are called Enactments with an expulsion for the State of Sarawak where the laws are called Ordinances. 33-35 Jalan Hang Lekiu, 50100 Kuala Lumpur. Coursework Essay Questions
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Cuban Missile Crisis and Cold War Assignment Essay
During the 1960s, one of the most thing that the American government and the American people had to hardiness was the Cold warfare. People who grew up during the 1950s, 60s, and 70s would have talked active the war like it was an everyday thing. But, as the years and decades have departed by people have might have a different option and some might not even know or recall what it was. Interviewing 3 people will show what the average citizen knows or mobilizes some the Cold War. During the interviews, I asked 3 questions that would help me find this answer. They included, what words or phrases ascend to mind when you think of the term Cold War? Did you ever study the Cold War in nurture? If so, what are some aspects of the Cold War that you immortalise? Who were the parties involved in the Cold War? Can you name any key events that we mainly associate with the Cold War? The first mortal that was interviewed state the first word that came to mind when asked about the Cold War was the Cuban missile crisis.This person did study the Cold War in school and remembered that the United States was trying to keep most of the things discrete when it came to the political side of the war. The parties involved according to this person were the United States and the Soviet Union. Some of the key events that were associated were of figure the Cuban Missile Crisis, the dealership of arms at the time, and the nuclear weapons involved. This person remembered a key point in the Cold War but, did not remember in detail what was taught in school. The second person that was interviewed stated the key things that came to mind about the Cold War, was the Soviet Union. They also mentioned that the Soviet Union had go after the Cold War. This person has also studied the Cold War in school and remembered that it lasted a long time and was after WWII. This person said the parties that were involved were the Soviet Union and the United States.The key portions that most people wo uld relate to the Cold War were the length of the war and that it cost the United States so much money. They stated that the war was over a 4 decade period and said it cost upward to 8 trillion dollars and countless poesy of lives at sea. This person knew about the cold war but only remembers a little of what was taught from school. The final person that was interviewed, stated that the first thing that came to mind when asked about the Cold War was the war was based the state of military rivalry and political tensions. The war consisted of the United States government and the government of the Soviet Union. The United States lost many lives in the hundreds throughout the long drawn out war.The person stated that they did study the Cold War in school and can remember how controversial it was for the American people and also with the government. The individual stated that the two parties they can think have been the United States and the Soviet Union. Finally, a key element of the war that was known across the United States was that the war had the complications of nuclear weapons and the countries trying to become a leader in arms dealing. Basically, see who had the most weapons and the more military firepower and power overall.This person had more knowledge as far as the understanding and remembrance of the Cold War. After conducting the interviews about the Cold War, at that place are some similarities to what the people who were interviewed had said. The definition of the Cold War was similar to the one given at the beginning of the assignment. All of the definitions of what the cold war was about and what were the key elements have to do with the political issues and the issues of the American people. This shows that people were divided in deciding if the Cold War was the right way to go. There was a lot of tension and cautiousness about the topic of the Cold War.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Rebellion in Catching Fire
The Start of the Rebellion ?Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellarks stunt to win the persist hungriness Games has inspired the beginnings of an arise against the Capitol. This has put Katniss and her familys life at risk. She tries to fix what she has started, and finds out she cannot she then uses her influence to bewilder a rebellion in the districts. The author uses the protective retard of the government and the rebellion to show what happens when a government takes citizens freedom away. ?Suzanne Collins became a popular writer with her series The Underlander Chronicles.Her fame has grown enormously from her newest series The hurt Games. This series has made her quite famous. A movie has been made for the first book and one is also planned for the second book. Collins says her inspiration for committal to writing is to entertain the youth (Suzanne Collins). ?In Catching Fire, Katniss Everdeen is beginning a different type of life because she won the Hunger Games. Katniss and Peeta Mellark faked a romance during the Hunger Games, and now they must continue this act so that the Capitol does not find out.President Snow greets Katniss at home before she goes off to tour the other districts, and he tells her that she and Peeta must sell this fake romance to all the citizens so that a rebellion does not begin. After the tour, she finds out she has not been able to prevent the rebellion. In a change of rules Peeta and Katniss must return to the Games. Peeta and Katniss team up with other tributes in order to survive. Haymitch saves Katniss in a hovercraft, because the rebellion has begun (Collins). ?Ever since Katniss had to support her family, she would go into the woods with Gale to hunt for food.They would go to the Hob and sell or trade their animals illegally. These activities were against the Capitol, but Katniss and Gale knew they had to support their families anyway they could. They used their time outside of the fences to talk round the Capitol and t he injustices upheld against them. If the Capitol catches them they could be executed, but defying the rules for their families survival was more important. The author shows us that the reason for rebelling is to improve the lives of everyone (Collins). Before the revolt had ever begun, in the first Hunger Games which Katniss and Peeta participated in, they were the last ones left. Instead of killing each other they both grabbed poisonous berries and were about to eat them, until the Capitol stopped them and both were announced winners. All of the Districts saw this as an uprising against the Capitol. This gave the people of the districts the idea and courage to rebel (Collins). ? When the Capitol forces Katniss and Peeta to return to the games, they know it is to show that the Capitol is all-powerful.At their interviews, Peeta tells the audition that he and Katniss have already been married and that Katniss is pregnant. This news, although not true, makes the audience furious. Th e audience cant absorb the news right away. It has to strike them and sink in and be confirmed by other voices before they begin to exit like a herd of wounded animals, moaning, shrieking, calling for help the reaction of the crowd shows the intensity of the anger that the citizens have for the Capitol (Collins 145). Peeta has shown how unjust the Capitol is, and this alone might cause a rebellion among the districts.When Peeta comes back, all the tributes link hands in unity of the districts. This signifies that the districts are against the capitol. This unity of hands is a rebellion in itself (Collins). Collins uses symbols to hit to her theme of rebellion. Collins uses these symbols to show the wrongs committed by a totalitarian government. One of the greatest symbols of rebellion used in Catching Fire is the mockingjay. Katniss wore a mockingjay pin in her first games, and since she the symbol of the rebellion, the mockingjay has become a symbol for the supporters of the rebe llion. The mockingjay symbol is a mockery of the Capitol.The bird comes from a jabberjay, a failed experiment of the Capitol, and a mockingbird. This symbol was unintentionally given to Katniss, but is a perfect symbol for the rebellion because it plays upon the faults of the Capitol. The strongest portrayal of this symbol is when Katnisss dress turns into a Mockingjay. Katniss did not crystalise how important this symbol was to the resistance against the Capitol (Collins). ?Another significant symbol seen is the three finger salute. Katniss used this in her first Hunger Games in respect of Rue, a young girl from District 11 who was killed.On her tour of the districts, Katniss pays her respects to Rue in front of the townspeople of District 11. After her speech, Every person in the crowd presses the three middle fingers of their left hand against their lips and extends them to me (Collins 39). This sign of respect towards Katniss is also seen as dissent against the Capitol because this symbolizes a gesture that only District 12 uses. The townspeople did this because they respect Katniss and do not agree with the wrongs that the Capitol imposes upon them such as the Hunger Games (Collins). Catching Fire should be included in a attend of full treatment with high literary merit because the theme of rebellion is one that that is easily related to. The districts rebel because the tyrannical President Snow and the Capitol rule the districts with an press out fist. The citizens live in very poor conditions and without few freedoms. Readers agree with this theme because everyone wants to be free. The theme of fighting for a good cause against a heavy-handed government is one that people of all races and religions can agree with, and is why Catching Fire should be included in a list of works with high literary merit.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Ethical Issues with Illegaly Downloading Music
For years now good deal urinate found ways to take practice of medicine kill the meshing and put it onto their own computer, iPod, or blank CD. It all started in 1999 with the creation of Napster. Napster introduced a revolutionary new idea that was to forever change the way people thought about music peer to peer file sharing. Peer to peer file sharing, often abbreviated as simply p2p, allows polar users swap songs, with no regards for copyright infringement.Now the most popular way to take music off the Internet is to use one of many YouTube to mp3 converter sites These sits allow you to copy a URL from a YouTube word picture and paste it into a text box on the YouTube to mp3 site which allow for then convert the idiot box into a music file that is downloaded onto your computer. Many people commence different feeling about exploitation these new YouTube to mp3 sites and using older sites similar to Napster. Either way, using sites analogous that is simply taking musi c off the web at no cost to oneself. I will go on to curb the idea that extralegally downloading music is stealing.Illegally downloading music is no different then going into a investment company and taking a CD right off the shelf and walking out without paying. I will base my defense on the concept that the artists and the people involved in the music industry have rights. Whenever a song is downloaded off the Internet illegally it is a violation of the artists and the people involved in the music industrys rights. My first premise is that artists and people in the music industry have the right to be compensated for their hard work. Most artists dream to make it big one daytime and be paid for the songs that they write and sing.When a person puts in the hard work that it takes to make it to the go on they should be compensated for their efforts. However, the artists do non make the music and hit records all on their own. there be many people behind the scenes that contrib ute to the making of albums. For example there ar the people who control the audio equipment and run the recording studio. Everyone involved in the music industry has the right to be compensated for the work that they have done. It is not right for someone to essential go to work, make a product, and then have someone else take it free of charge.My second premise is that illegally downloading music is a form of stealing. Taking something that does not belong to you is against the law. Taking someone thing that has a known capital value and not paying one cent is down right stealing. One credible outline by the Institute for Policy Innovation concludes that global music piracy causes $12. 5 billion of economic losses every year, 71,060 U. S. jobs lost, a loss of $2. 7 billion in workers earnings, and a loss of $422 trillion in tax revenues, $291 million in personal income tax and $131 million in lost bodily income and production taxes.So not just now are revenues are being aff ected by this music larceny but jobs are being stolen away as well. Some people feel that the artists do not deserve all of the money that it costs to purchase one of their albums or even a wholeness song off of iTunes. When you see pictures, videos, and interviews of music artists they do not look or sound like they are struggling to get by. Now-a-days artists are making profits off of country and worldwide plan tours. Some are even paid for personal appearances. Others have teamed up with various brand name calling and started endorsing their products while being paid to do so.To the average person it does not feel like taking songs off the Internet is actually affecting the artists themselves. If these celebrated artists are living the good life it should not matter that the average Joe saves a few dollars and downloads music off the internet. To contour the argument that artists have other(a) ways of making money I will approach the issue in two ways. outgrowth of all stea ling is stealing. Taking something that does not belong to you is wrong and will always be viewed as wrong. It does not matter what is being stolen or whom it is being stolen from.Second of all, as I have mentioned earlier, the artist are not the only people involved in the creating of songs and albums. As the Internet grows and the vast come up of illegal downloads grows with it peoples jobs are shrinking. Less and less artists will be able to make music if the up and comers are not making any money to live off of. If new artists are forced to respect other ways of making money their music career may never take off. If the number of people making music decreases so will the need for so many behind the scenes people.Overall illegally downloading music off the Internet is what it is, stealing. These actions not only affect the artists but so many more than people that we do not always consider. Some feel that it is ok the take music from these famous artists but if it continues le ss and less music will be created, causing the high percentage of unemployment to only grow larger. When you steal from someone you are using him or her as a means to an end. No one should be used as a means to an end, especially when it comes to his or her livelihood.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Is Saltwater Desalination the Best Solution to Water Shortages in the United States?
As a matter of scientific f mould, the vast major(ip)ity of the bulge out argona of our major planet is covered in piss ironic al hotshoty enough, however, a coarse deal of this peeing spate non be consumed by valet existences in its internal state, as it is t adequate to(p) salt pee, which could only be consumed by human beings after undergoing desalination. This is a process by which the ions that make piss saline atomic number 18 distant by means of various core and technologies, chief among them throw by reversal osmosis (RO), in that locationby making the pissing suitable for reality to drink. desalinisation is a process that is undertaken in sea or nautical piss supply which by in great(p) contains the most saline of altogether the piss in the humankind. Desalination is an change magnitudely popular process, necessitated by shortages in domestic and industrial pissing supply supp deceits. For any of its play sidereal day popularity, desali nation is not a bare-assed concept rather, it is a technology that has been in use since the 18th century in southern Florida, which to this day hosts desalination units.Currently, this technology is the method of select for gulf nations that argon anchor within dessert terrains that seldom produce any accented peeing supply supplies for phthisis, as evidenced by recent reports showing a major pee crisis looming in the horizon. These reports forebode that in the next five categorys, at least 36 states face substantial peeing shortages, support by the diminish body of wet levels of major dams across the states and the shrinking of the Great lakes. Fresh urine sources can no broader stand up or suss out up with the demand of the constantly increase population of the US.This is most acutely felt in leatherneck ecosystems where in that location is a problem in cut down the levels of salinity and as well as the brine discharge system, causing an imbalance in marine ec osystems (Tonner 11). record of piddle deficit all over the world, water that is mainly found in reservoirs equal dams, lakes and water government agencys like rivers is relied heavily upon for replenishment of municipal water supplies these supplies render water for both(prenominal) commercial and residential use. both these are bear oned as youthful water sources since the water comes naturally, mostly by dint of rainfall. With the advent of global climatic changes, there has been a decline in the do of rainfall the patterns of the rains turn out become irregular and they seldom conform to expected clock frames or the duration. The separate f professor that has not aided the water shortage debate is the superior oecumenic rise in global temperatures. This has led to profit in the rates of water evaporation from water reservoirs.Since rainfall in most cases is declining or there is a general melodic phrase of drought griping the sphere in general, meaning that the rate of water intake from the sources (through evaporation and uptake by man) and the rate of replenishment by rain do not match. It is preferably obvious that with declining input of water into the reservoirs and the change magnitude abstr routineion of water, water levels bequeath keep declining exponentially, creating a grand problem (Tonner). Temperature problems do not end there, because rising sea levels devour been occurring through melting of glaciers in the arctic and Antarctica sub-continents.Increasing water levels serve to push saline water into the underground water supplies, thereby increasing the amount of saline in circulation and decreasing fresh water. With growth in industrialization, enormous environsal challenges present themselves. Waste products from industries are degrading the surroundings at an alarming rate, with these waste products usually finding their way into fresh water sources and catchments areas. The end result is unusable water and a host of other problems.Industries themselves beseech enormous amount of water to operate and at the same time their effluents also requires a mass of treatment so that it can be discharged into the water ways without modification of the marine and water ecology in general. Population growth and explosion does not lessen the burden therefore it is take more troubles. The topic of persons globally is increasing but the sources of fresh water are not increasing thereby exerting great pressures on the existing water sources.Real estate development in general is also a part of the problem, which can be seen in the way many buildings are constructed over water catchments, leave very slim land that can allow percolation of water into the underground aquifer, which encourages the ride of the little available rain water to the ocean in order to avoid flooding. With the advent of these spartan modality changes and dry spells, water levels began shrinking at an alarming rate.This ala rmed local authorities, leading them to caution the general public to conserve water and use it wisely. In order to make their pleas to be dumb by the public, they resorted to the extreme measure of water rationing. When water rationing started, it was a clear warning it was and then that the general public awoke to the reality that a global crisis was at hand (Tonner 6). After looking into all operable options of providing water to many thirsty citizens, the only option that guaranteed a steady supply and trashy way was desalination.This was preferred after looking closely at the be of infrastructure in monetary value of pipes and the cost of forethought of the dams. In the recent times, those centrally placed states that were endowed with large water resources, apply to piece their water with their unfortunate neighbors in the arid regions of the south west areas. The cost of pumping that water and the maintenance of the intricate piping system proved a too much burden to bear and its viability with time intimately impossible.The dwindling resources of water also were not showing sustenance of the venture in the want term. All these when combined, were pointing to desalination as the only viable option and that was current with prevailing scotch circumstance. The feeler in the technology and its easy implementation has been one of the motivating factors towards its adoption as a major solution to current crisis of water shortage (Tonner). This process is drought-proof, thereby making it operational all year round, scorn the dramatic climatic changes.All that is necessary is availability of sea water and sufficient power to use up the machines that are involved in this process and which usually require a attracter of energy (Tonner 11). Participants in this Venture On the fore front of desalination efforts is the UNEP (United Nations surroundal Program) which is involved with maintaining a clean environment. permit of this venture comes f rom the motivation of providing water to a thirst planet.Since this organization is involved with the environment, it is in the organizations best inte equilibrium to make sure that all the technologies that are enacted for use in providing crucial service lead not lead to the biodegrading of the environment and adding of more problems rather than solving the already existing problems. This induction depart be involved in putting down the necessary legislation that leave alone act as the guideline when it comes to issues that are pertinent to the environment and its preservation.Closely following the proceedings and implementation of this computer programme is the Intergovernmental display panel on Climate Change (IPPC) which knows very well the side effects of the climatic change and the request to address the shortage of water around the globe. For the process to gain popularity around the world, IPPC has to do a lot of campaign on the viability of the send off and seek to silence the proponents that will argue in the opt of the impacts that the project it would have on the environment and the ecosystem in particular the marine ecosystem.Ocean conservancy is another very submissive organization that has to be consulted in order to give the project a go head as the proposed project would be drawing its raw material (water) from the ocean, the negative impacts on the ecology and marine organisms notwithstanding. At the top of the argument of concerns is whether water is a basic human right or it will be turned into an economic resource, only available to those few members of the society who can afford it (Tonner). The program will see the mental disorder of the normal saline environment for marine organisms which may lead to loss of endemical species that are rum to that area.However big the reward of this proposed project is, the negative impacts on other organisms cannot be overlooked because the reality would before long hit home and woul d therefore end up in creating a bigger problem than the one that is there. The other organizations involved in this venture fully are the Water Management Boards of respective Counties in the individual states. These boards are at the centre of the storm since they mustiness provide water to the thirsty masses. entry comes as the core business of the boards in order to look into neo ways of circumventing the problems bedeviling them (Tonner 7).Resolving the Water Shortage Issue Clearly, as the research has indicated, there is a gigantic water shortage that will have an increasingly negative effect on the large number of the world, especially in light of growing human populations, increased use of water by households and industry, and pollution which is harming the environment and decreasing available water supplies. Therefore, the top dog of how to resolve the water shortage issue is an increasingly grand one to answer. Of course, the water supply on the earth is limited, in both fresh and salt water varieties.Therefore, the focus in stopping water shortages is to simultaneously make as much fresh and salt water available for both industrial and home users, which is possible through a variety of means (Tonner). First, the fresh water that is available on the planet must be maintain, which can be achieved through several different methods. Conservation starts with both home and business water user simple step to avoid wasting water in the first place will go a long way in terms of reducing the amount of water that literally goes down the drain every day.This, however, is not enough. In both homes and businesses, it is essential that the equipment that uses water be kept in prime running(a) condition, with broken or inefficient equipment being replaced in favor of equipment that will not waste water. Also, as discussed earlier, there are environmental step which can be used to prevent the wasting of fresh water, including smart real estate developmen t, the legal profession of the pollution of water supplies by individuals and industry, and the like.All of these steps will in fact help to save fresh water supplies to a large extent. Another water supply which has been discussed in this paper is desalinized salt water which can be used for human consumption once it has been properly prepared via the many desalinization plants that are found across the US today. Since there is vast salt water to be found on earth today, if it is properly desalinized, there is a great deal of available water. Once again, however, this must be conserved for the good of the growing society.Preserving the Environment In any case, wherever water comes from, the environment must be protected at all costs, for if there is no planet left for people to enjoy, there is little point in trying to do anything with water, as the human race will not be around to reap the benefits of the water itself. This reflects back to the previous discussion in regard to f resh and salt water supplies there are in fact ways to be able to provide sufficient water supplies without destroying the environment.This will, of course, require the enfolding of international, national, state and local authorities all running(a) together. This is especially important considering the fact that pollution from other parts of the world certainly affects the US, and vice versa. Therefore, the world community must in fact act as a sort of environmental jurisprudence force so that those who would cause damage to the environment are held accountable, not only for the sake of the planet but also for the sake of the water supplies that are now in the process of being conserved (Tonner).Overall, what is seen in the relationship between a harmless environment and clean water supplies is the fact that neither can exist without the other. If people abuse water supplies, the planet will eventually be inefficient to sustain human life. On the other hand, if the planet is d estroyed, water availability immediately becomes a non-issue. As such, this immediately becomes everyones problem, and of course, everyone must play a role in the solution of the problem. These solutions are both big and small, but all important practiced the same. ConclusionWater desalination is the only way out for the water crisis that is facing US and the rest of the world at large. However there are underlying issues that convey to be turn to to begin with the implementation of national projects. These issues range from environmental to human health issues. positive questions have to be addressed as to why should our solution to the current water problem lie in the seas and oceans whereas there are waivers that are granted according to the clean water act which allows agribusiness to continue polluting our water catchments areas with fertilizers. out front moving our pollution to the ocean, we must address the mess that we have caused on land, as this problem will not go a way by itself. The most common excuse that has been go around around is that clean of pollution is very costly and expensive. However this pollution has been caused by man and before handing the mandate of polluting the ocean now to the private sector, first we should deal with the mess on land.Is Saltwater Desalination the Best consequence to Water Shortages in the United States?As a matter of scientific fact, the vast majority of the surface area of our planet is covered in water ironically enough, however, a great deal of this water cannot be consumed by human beings in its natural state, as it is salt water, which could only be consumed by human beings after undergoing desalination. This is a process through which the ions that make water saline are removed through various means and technologies, chief among them reversed osmosis (RO), thereby making the water suitable for humans to drink.Desalination is a process that is undertaken in sea or ocean water which by in large cont ains the most saline of all the water in the world. Desalination is an increasingly popular process, necessitated by shortages in domestic and industrial water supplies. For all of its present day popularity, desalination is not a new concept rather, it is a technology that has been in use since the 18th century in southern Florida, which to this day hosts desalination units.Currently, this technology is the method of choice for gulf nations that are found within dessert terrains that rarely produce any fresh water supplies for consumption, as evidenced by recent reports showing a major water crisis looming in the horizon. These reports forecast that in the next five years, at least 36 states face substantial water shortages, supported by the shrinking water levels of major dams across the states and the shrinking of the Great lakes. Fresh water sources can no longer stand up or match up with the demand of the constantly increasing population of the US.This is most acutely felt in m arine ecosystems where there is a problem in reducing the levels of salinity and also the brine discharge system, causing an imbalance in marine ecosystems (Tonner 11). History of Water Shortage All over the world, water that is mainly found in reservoirs like dams, lakes and waterways like rivers is relied heavily upon for replenishment of municipal water supplies these supplies provide water for both commercial and residential use.All these are regarded as fresh water sources since the water comes naturally, mostly through rainfall. With the advent of global climatic changes, there has been a decline in the amount of rainfall the patterns of the rains have become irregular and they rarely conform to expected time frames or the duration. The other factor that has not aided the water shortage debate is the general rise in global temperatures. This has led to increase in the rates of water evaporation from water reservoirs.Since rainfall in most cases is declining or there is a gener al atmosphere of drought griping the sphere in general, meaning that the rate of water uptake from the sources (through evaporation and uptake by man) and the rate of replenishment by rain do not match. It is quite obvious that with declining input of water into the reservoirs and the increasing abstraction of water, water levels will keep declining exponentially, creating a huge problem (Tonner). Temperature problems do not end there, because rising sea levels have been occurring through melting of glaciers in the arctic and Antarctica sub-continents.Increasing water levels serve to push saline water into the underground water supplies, thereby increasing the amount of saline in circulation and decreasing fresh water. With growth in industrialization, enormous environmental challenges present themselves. Waste products from industries are degrading the environment at an alarming rate, with these waste products usually finding their way into fresh water sources and catchments areas. The end result is unusable water and a host of other problems.Industries themselves require enormous amount of water to operate and at the same time their effluents also requires a lot of treatment so that it can be discharged into the water ways without modification of the marine and water ecology in general. Population growth and explosion does not lessen the burden therefore it is bringing more troubles. The number of persons globally is increasing but the sources of fresh water are not increasing thereby exerting great pressures on the existing water sources.Real estate development in general is also a part of the problem, which can be seen in the way many buildings are constructed over water catchments, leaving very little land that can allow percolation of water into the underground aquifer, which encourages the driving of the little available rain water to the ocean in order to avoid flooding. With the advent of these severe climate changes and dry spells, water levels began shrinking at an alarming rate.This alarmed local authorities, leading them to warn the general public to conserve water and use it wisely. In order to make their pleas to be understood by the public, they resorted to the extreme measure of water rationing. When water rationing started, it was a clear warning it was then that the general public awoke to the reality that a global crisis was at hand (Tonner 6). After looking into all viable options of providing water to many thirsty citizens, the only option that guaranteed a steady supply and cheap means was desalination.This was preferred after looking closely at the cost of infrastructure in terms of pipes and the cost of maintenance of the dams. In the recent times, those centrally placed states that were endowed with large water resources, used to share their water with their unfortunate neighbors in the arid regions of the south west areas. The cost of pumping that water and the maintenance of the complex piping system proved a too much burden to bear and its viability with time almost impossible.The dwindling resources of water also were not showing sustenance of the venture in the long term. All these when combined, were pointing to desalination as the only viable option and that was current with prevailing economic circumstance. The advancement in the technology and its easy implementation has been one of the motivating factors towards its adoption as a major solution to current crisis of water shortage (Tonner). This process is drought-proof, thereby making it operational all year round, despite the dramatic climatic changes.All that is necessary is availability of sea water and sufficient power to cause the machines that are involved in this process and which usually require a lot of energy (Tonner 11). Participants in this Venture On the fore front of desalination efforts is the UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program) which is involved with maintaining a clean environment. dungeon of this ventu re comes from the motivation of providing water to a thirst planet.Since this organization is involved with the environment, it is in the organizations best interest to make sure that all the technologies that are enacted for use in providing essential service will not lead to the biodegrading of the environment and adding of more problems rather than solving the already existing problems. This conception will be involved in putting down the necessary legislation that will act as the guideline when it comes to issues that are pertinent to the environment and its preservation.Closely following the proceedings and implementation of this program is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) which knows very well the side effects of the climatic change and the need to address the shortage of water around the globe. For the process to gain popularity around the world, IPPC has to do a lot of campaign on the viability of the project and trying to silence the proponents that wil l argue in the favor of the impacts that the project it would have on the environment and the ecosystem especially the marine ecosystem.Ocean conservancy is another very instrumental organization that has to be consulted in order to give the project a go head as the proposed project would be drawing its raw material (water) from the ocean, the negative impacts on the ecology and marine organisms notwithstanding. At the top of the list of concerns is whether water is a basic human right or it will be turned into an economic resource, only available to those few members of the society who can afford it (Tonner). The program will see the disruption of the normal saline environment for marine organisms which may lead to loss of endemic species that are unique to that area.However big the reward of this proposed project is, the negative impacts on other organisms cannot be overlooked because the reality would soon hit home and would therefore end up in creating a bigger problem than the one that is there. The other organizations involved in this venture fully are the Water Management Boards of respective Counties in the individual states. These boards are at the centre of the storm since they must provide water to the thirsty masses. Innovation comes as the core business of the boards in order to look into neo ways of circumventing the problems bedeviling them (Tonner 7).Resolving the Water Shortage Issue Clearly, as the research has indicated, there is a massive water shortage that will have an increasingly negative effect on the people of the world, especially in light of growing human populations, increased use of water by households and industry, and pollution which is harming the environment and decreasing available water supplies. Therefore, the question of how to resolve the water shortage issue is an increasingly important one to answer. Of course, the water supply on the earth is limited, in both fresh and salt water varieties.Therefore, the focus in stopp ing water shortages is to simultaneously make as much fresh and salt water available for both industrial and home users, which is possible through a variety of means (Tonner). First, the fresh water that is available on the planet must be conserved, which can be achieved through several different methods. Conservation starts with every home and business water user simple steps to avoid wasting water in the first place will go a long way in terms of reducing the amount of water that literally goes down the drain every day.This, however, is not enough. In both homes and businesses, it is essential that the equipment that uses water be kept in prime working condition, with broken or inefficient equipment being replaced in favor of equipment that will not waste water. Also, as discussed earlier, there are environmental steps which can be used to prevent the wasting of fresh water, including smart real estate development, the prevention of the pollution of water supplies by individuals a nd industry, and the like.All of these steps will in fact help to save fresh water supplies to a large extent. Another water supply which has been discussed in this paper is desalinized salt water which can be used for human consumption once it has been properly prepared via the many desalinization plants that are found across the US today. Since there is vast salt water to be found on earth today, if it is properly desalinized, there is a great deal of available water. Once again, however, this must be conserved for the good of the growing society.Preserving the Environment In any case, wherever water comes from, the environment must be protected at all costs, for if there is no planet left for people to enjoy, there is little point in trying to do anything with water, as the human race will not be around to reap the benefits of the water itself. This reflects back to the previous discussion in regard to fresh and salt water supplies there are in fact ways to be able to provide suf ficient water supplies without destroying the environment.This will, of course, require the involvement of international, national, state and local authorities all working together. This is especially important considering the fact that pollution from other parts of the world certainly affects the US, and vice versa. Therefore, the world community must in fact act as a sort of environmental police force so that those who would cause damage to the environment are held accountable, not only for the sake of the planet but also for the sake of the water supplies that are now in the process of being conserved (Tonner).Overall, what is seen in the relationship between a safe environment and clean water supplies is the fact that neither can exist without the other. If people abuse water supplies, the planet will eventually be unable to sustain human life. On the other hand, if the planet is destroyed, water availability immediately becomes a non-issue. As such, this immediately becomes eve ryones problem, and of course, everyone must play a role in the solution of the problem. These solutions are both big and small, but all important just the same. ConclusionWater desalination is the only way out for the water crisis that is facing US and the rest of the world at large. However there are underlying issues that need to be addressed before the implementation of national projects. These issues range from environmental to human health issues. Fundamental questions have to be addressed as to why should our solution to the current water problem lie in the seas and oceans whereas there are waivers that are granted according to the clean water act which allows agriculture to continue polluting our water catchments areas with fertilizers.Before moving our pollution to the ocean, we must address the mess that we have caused on land, as this problem will not go away by itself. The most common excuse that has been circulating around is that cleaning of pollution is very costly an d expensive. However this pollution has been caused by man and before handing the mandate of polluting the ocean now to the private sector, first we should deal with the mess on land. Work Cited Tonner, John. Desalination in America Water and Waste Digests. November 2002. 7 May 2009.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Bacterias & Prokaryotes
Archaea is considered to be another nation, besides Prokaryotes (which entangle bacteria) and eukaryotes (which include plants, animals, fungi and protests). Eukaryotes cause a well-defined nucleus, membrane cell structure. On the other hand prokaryotes have a well-defined cell wall and contain an irregular nucleus. Archaea was defined in the 1970s, and it was observed that they break throughd at high temperatures (above 100 degrees centigrade), pressure or salt concentrations and is known as extremophiles. They may produce methane fellate as part of metabolism.They were found in regions other than which other organisms cannot survive such as geysers, inunct wells, deep ocean, hypersaline waters, hot springs, etc, and hence could be helping to maintain the ecological niche. As they can survive only in in truth high temperatures in which other forms of life cannot exist, they were considred to be absent in the charitable body. However, scientists atomic number 18 considering t hat Archaea domain can in fact be present in the human body and can cause disease. Under a normal microscope viewed under standard conditions, Archaea would appear as small dots, as they are inactive at this room conidtions (B.Waggoner & B. R. Speers. 1994). With the help of an electron microscope can the Archaea domain can be examined. There are several other techniques of examining the Archaea species. Molecular techniques seem to be very effective in detecting and isolating Archaea as their genetic material can be place (especially PCR). The presence of lipids present in the Archaea cell can be determined with the help of gas chromatography and cumulation spectroscopy. Fluorescent in situ hybridization is also utilized in some instances to study the relationship amid the genetic material of Archaea and the presence of diseases.Immunological methods such as in situ immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry are being studied as to how they could be utilized in detecting Archae a. They are of limited use as there are some issues with the antigen produced by Archaea (P. B. Eckburg. 2003 & E. F. DeLong, 1999). References B. Waggoner & B. R. Speer. Introduction to the Archaea, Lifes extremists, 1994, UCMP. 28 Sep. 2007 http//www. ucmp. berkeley. edu/archaea/archaea. hypertext markup language B. Waggoner & B. R. Speer. Archaea Morphology, 1994, UCMP. 28 Sep. 2007 http//www. ucmp. html Edward F. DeLong, Lance Trent Taylor, Terence L. Marsh, and Christina M. Preston. Visualization and Enumeration of Marine Planktonic Archaea and Bacteria by Using Polyribonucleotide Probes and Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65. 12 (1999). http//aem. asm. org/cgi/content/abstract/65/12/5554 Paul B. Eckburg, Paul W. Lepp, and David A. Relman. Archaea and Their capability Role in Human Disease. Infection and Immunity 71. 2 (2003). http//iai. asm. org/cgi/content/full/71/2/591
Friday, May 17, 2019
Overview of Qualitative Research Essay
What hold sample distribution and entropy line of battle got to do with good qualitative investigate? My current research run into is a mixed phenomenological and meta-analysis of declining membership and participation in the church. Operating on the presumption that sampling and info collection are critical to a think over (Gibbs, 2007). Like Gibbs (2007) I want to be maneuver by the research goal developing theoretical outcomes Gibbs (2007), covering intrinsic participant cognitions, and distinctly explaining whatsoever limitations (Gibbs et al, 2007). I have decided to reduce the scope of my study to the a case study set about with a Pastor and five Associate Ministers within a single church to which I encounter to belong, in the Midwest. I believe these five observers are in the best position to observe this phenomenon and its effects.The education obtained in this first week has led me to the conform toing conclusions concerning sampling and data collection. Accor ding to the work of Gibbs, Kealy, Willis, Green, Welch, & Daly (2007), sampling and data collection are intrinsically germane to generalizability (Gibbs et al, 2007). These authors, in agreement with other exceptional researchers, spend designs like those of Daly, Willis, Small, Green, et al (2007) who also note that generalizable studies provide a comprehensive analysis of experience (Daly, et al, 2007). there is an imperative for the allowance of immersion to investigate context and population, along with practical constraints operating against sampling and data collection (Gibbs et al, 2007). Qualitative research begins with justification of the research problem with reference to the literature (Gibbs et al, 2007). Qualitative research then according to Willis, Daly, Kealy, Small et al (2007) provides theoretical framework to identify the theoretical concepts relevant to and employed in the study Willis, et al, 2007).Data is then collected according to a sampling plan, as sugg ested by Green, Willis, Hughes, and Small, et al, (2007), thus the most acceptable evidence possible, through data analysis(Green, et al, 2007). The hierarchy of evidence pretense proposed by Gibbs, et al (2007), offers studies that differing evidences such as the single case study, the descriptive study, the conceptual study, the generalizable study and the query study (Gibbs et al, 2007). Accordingly transcribed data from verbatim recordings is the most common method of data collection (Gibbs et al, 2007). In these instances individual case studies, are limited by small samples but, capable of provide to a greater extent information on setting (Gibbs et al, 2007) and Descriptive studies, string experiences or activities but do not describe their differences (Gibbs et al, 2007). Case and descriptive studies provide good information as long as their limitations are clearly acknowledged (Gibbs et al, 2007).According to Suri (2011), informed decisions concerning sampling are necess ary to improving the quality of research (Suri, 2011). Suri to boot points out that data may be retrieved through group discussion, personal journals, follow-up in-depth inter receives and researcher line of merchandise notes (Tuckett and Stewart 2004a, 2004b Suri, 2011). According to Tuckett, et al 2011 and in agreement with Rubinstein (1994), no rules governing the numbers in sampling devote however, experiential methods have been mappingd for choosing samples from 1 to 100, with clustering. Some have suggested as few as 12-20 data sources, for the best variation, because no definite rules apply (Baum 2002). Suri notes that according to Patton (1990), some research relies on small samples aiming to study provide depth and thoroughness (Miles and Huberman 1994, Patton 1990). Purposeful sampling is seen as a means for developing rich data, derived non -randomly (Ezzy 2002, Mays and pope 1995, Reed et al, 1996), Also, according to Lincoln and Cuba (1985) and Higginbotham et al (20 01), the desired sample size may unfold, depending on front studies, allowing the support of emerging possible action (Baum 2002, Kuzel 1992, Miles and Huberman1994, Reed et al, 1996).Another issue in data analysis is presented by Sandelowski (2011), when he suggests alternative interpretations of data do not conform to the parameters between methods (Sandelowski, 2011). Sandelowski suggests that taking a view of inquiry as dynamic and flexible rather than static and unchangeable might prevent researchers from succumbing to that follow (Sandelowski, 2011). Sandoelowski also notes that Alvesson and Skoldberg (2009) coined extreme terms such as grounded theory dataism (p. 283), the hermeneutic narcissism, andcritical theory reductionism (p. 269). Sandelowski further suggests that data analysis and set uping do not have to be considered as trenchant independent operations (Sandelowski, 2011). Recognizing Spalding and Phillips (2007, p. 961), Sandelowski proposed that the use of vi gnettes will reveal the often concealed authors visual sensation which Phillips expects will produce doubt (p. 961), inevitably serving to enhance the validity of interpretations (Phillips, 2007, p. 961 (Sandelowski, 2011).Sandelowski finally concludes that recognizing the need to accounting for problems associated with cognitive flexibility validating qualitative or quantitative inquiry Sandelowski, 2011). In addressing the issue of innovation, I found an article by Simundic (2012), concerning some Practical recommendations for statistical analysis and data presentation. The table below gives a suggestion for what should be included in any presentation of data. In working on the definition of saturation I was able to find the differentiation between the motley qualitative methods. The following table is a representation of my findings based on the article by cart (2012). I was impressed with the definitions provided by this author as he explained the different methods of determ ining saturation. I found the definitions of to be succinct and to the point, and very helpful in making a decision about which methods to use and when.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Kindergarten-Full Day Versus Half Day Essay
The sky is the limit for children. The benefits of children attending sound daylight kindergarten be far enormouser than those children that attend half day. Some p bents and educators disagree they say that children should not be forced into their statemental career so young. Whether for or against exuberant-day kindergarten, the common goal for all parents is the well universe for each individual child. E very child has different needs and capabilities. Parents eat up to make an informed conclusiveness on skilful day or half day kindergarten. That decision can be a difficult one.Ultimately that decision is the starting point for the next twelve or much age of education for these young children. Connecticut does not choose a law mandating all towns have adept day kindergarten. The budget process has to make full day kindergarten a priority. The course of study for kindergarten is limited during half day sessions for children. Because of the time limitations during ha lf day, these children are getting significant amounts of home survey to bring home. Before and aftercare is needful due to the short school day for the half day kindergartners, causing parents to pay for childcare.The most all-important(prenominal) point is that childrens cognitive breeding is so crucial at age five. They can dip so much information at a kindergarten level. Taking advantage of that will give them the best(p) opportunities for the educational career and give them a head start. Kindergarten was originated in 1837 (Burkam 3). Children develop their mental, social, and emotional faculties through job, music, movement, fundamental interaction with the outdoors, and opportunities to engage in independent and creative pursuits (Burkam 3).The goal of kindergarten is to prepare children for first company pedantics (Burkam 5). Children show great resilience so can therefore adapt to any formal routine, especially education. We must constructively use this critical st age in their lives to have them absorb all the information they can. Most towns in eastern Connecticut have full day kindergarten except Montville. in that respect is no set received in Connecticut law for all towns to have at least one full-day kindergarten.East Lyme, Niantic, Norwich, Waterford, Ledyard, and Groton have already established a full day program for kindergarten. Montville being the only town in the surrounding area that does not have a full day option available makes it very difficult to those parents in that town to make arrangements for care of their children. Planning a town budget for full day kindergarten is not as complicated as it may seem. Child care is financed primarily by families, who are estimated to be paying between $40 and $50 billion annually (Mitchell 8).Only a small percentage of those funds being spent could be utilize for funding all schools with full day kindergarten programs. Demonstrating better ways to increase and combine local, state, pu blic and private sources to finance all types of programs so that they can meet high standards and that all families can open kindergarten and preschool education (Mitchell 12). Some educators say the biggest hindrance is hiring teachers. They would need twice the amount already staffed.Splitting up the groups of half day classes and teachers could be a solution to that trim down. There would not need to be any additional teachers hired in that case. There is so much for children to learn at the age of five. A full day of learning, social interaction, and play is so beneficial. Research comparing half-day and full-day kindergarten shows those children benefit from a developmentally appropriate, full-day program, most notably in harm of early academic achievementa foundation for school and life success (Villegas 1). wide of the mark-day kindergarten can afford children the academic learning time needed to prepare for mastery of primary-grade reading and math skills (Villegas 1) In particular, the cant of evidence shows that full-day kindergarten benefits children in these ways contributes to increased school readiness, children that are adapted to full day kindergarten are already prompt for the transition into regular grade level schooling, most importantly, they understand rules and behavior, which leads to a higher academic achievement. Standardized tests and classroom grades find that full day scholarly persons achieve higher and improve student attendance.There is better attendance in full-day kindergarten due to the parents understanding that there is so much more(prenominal) information and teaching provided during a weeklong day and does not want their child to miss, supporting a childs literacy and language development has long lasting effects that are greater in children that attend full day kindergarten (Villegas 2). One study showed higher reading achievement persisting through third grade and in some cases even seventh grade (Villegas 1). Enrolling a child in full-day kindergarten benefits them socially and emotionally. Full day gives children a balance of structured play and self play.Being with classmates for more hours in a classroom forces them to build positive relationships. Those relationships last sometimes all the way through twelfth grade. Decreases cost by reducing retention and remediation rates (Villegas 1, 2). One study, which found full day students to be more than twice as likely to remain on grade through third grade, showed that this academic benefit helped to offset 19 percent of the first years cost of extending the kindergarten day (Villegas 2). For those children in half-day kindergarten, they need to have before and after care in some families, especially when both parents work full time.If there were full day kindergarten, it would eliminate some of that cost of after care. Due to these children needing to go to multiple places throughout the day for care and schooling becomes the issue of tr ansportation. During a parents work day, that child could be bused to as much as three different locations just for child care. Parents prefer longer kindergarten programs because children have to make fewer transitions within a day and they believe their children will be better prepared for first grade (Mitchell 5).Day care programs are valuable, but do not have the curriculum and equal age structure that kindergarten does. Proponents of full-day kindergarten believe that children, as a result of their various childcare and preschool experiences, are ready for more demanding and cognitively oriented educational programs (Burkam 6). Having group play with children ages 0-5 is not beneficial educationally. Children at age five are at an important learning stage in their lives. The more education they can receive in kindergarten the better prepared for school they will be.Full-day advocates suggest several advantages for the longer kindergarten day it allows teachers more opportunity to assess childrens educational needs and individualize instruction, it makes small-group learning experiences more feasible, it engages children in a broader range of learning experiences, it provides opportunities for in-depth exploration of curriculum, it provides opportunities for closer teacher-parent relationships, it benefits working parents who may need a longer school day (Burkam 6).Reading, math, science are subjects that are the beginning fundamentals in learning Researchers found that children who attended full-day kindergarten scored higher on reading comprehension and mathematics concepts and applications (Burkam 9). Having more hours in a school day allows teachers to take a more one on one approach for the children to very delve deep into counting, the alphabet, writing, speaking, and so forth. The foundation of learning stems from kindergarten.Cognitive development is the most important issue with having children in a full-day kindergarten program. Kindergarten is more than play and social interaction with peers, this time must be used to take full advantage of a childs potential in learning. Education should be the first priority and focus in a childs life. The bigger picture is place the groundwork for childrens educational experience. The younger the child the more prepared they will be for the emerging and the most successful in life.
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